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Cats, Dogs

National Pet First Aid Awareness Month 

first aid for petsApril was National Pet First Aid Awareness Month. This time of year is perfect for pet owners to learn what to do when their pet is ill or injured. The following are some common pet ailments, and what pet owners can do to stop them.


At the first signs of dehydration, your pet will have dryness around their gums and tongue. The saliva becomes thick and sticky. In addition, the best way to check for dehydration in your pet is to check the elasticity of their skin. Normally the skin will readily pop back in to place when gently pulled, but when dehydration is present, it is the exact opposite.

With moderate dehydration, electrolyte enhanced waters are the best option, however, if your pet is severely dehydrated, i.e. Throwing up, take them to the vet immediately.


In this case, your pet’s behavior can tell you a lot. Based on their symptoms, you may be able to find out what poisonous substance they have come in contact with. Do not give your pet any medications, as this may do more harm. Get in immediate contact with your vet, as they can evaluate their behavior and tell you the correct way to treat your pet.


Certain illnesses and stressful situations can cause seizures in pets. A seizure is easy to recognize. The animal will go into convulsions, all limbs will begin to contract and control over the urinary and digestive systems will be lost.

Remain calm and carefully place your pet in a safe place where they will not harm themselves on anything or be harmed by any other pets. Seek immediate attention from your vet as there may be serious underlying issues that are causing your pet to seize.

13178932_864597526978354_700381951579563642_nHeat Stroke or Exhaustion

During the summer months, or even after prolonged activity, you pet can suffer from a heat stroke or exhaustion. Some visible signs may include excessive panting, drooling, stumbling or difficultly walking, and unconsciousness.  The animal should be immediately placed into cool water or wrapped into cool towels to get its body temperature to a stable level. It is very important to avoid ice or extreme cold as this may cause the body temperature to rapidly change, which may have some serious side effects. Your vet can tell you if your pet has fully recovered and if their body temperature has returned to normal.

Knowing basic first aid procedures may help keep your pet alive in emergency situations.

Don’t forget to read our previous post: 8 Products to Keep in Your First Aid Kit. This will help you in non-emergency situations. 


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