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Cats, Dogs

Pet Loss Prevention Tips

Lost dog poster and preventions for dog and cat parents Over 10 million pets are lost each year. One out of three pets is lost during its lifetime and one in ten family pets are found.* While the statistics do not sound too terrible, think about why the nine pets were found. The pet parents most likely took precautionary measures to make sure they were able to find their pet in case it became lost.

If you’ve ever lost a pet you know the feeling of worry, heartbreak and sometimes relief that comes with it. July is National Lost Pet Prevention Month and we’d like to offer you a few tips so you may never have to go through this terrifying experience like so many people do. If you have any other helpful tips for pet owners, feel free to share them with us on our Facebook page. Join in the conversation. We’d love to hear from you.

8 quick tips to help with pet loss prevention:

  1. Always put a collar on your dog or cat with proper identification affixed. Be sure that you don’t forget to update your information when it changes. This is an easy step to forget.
  1. Use a GPS tracker. There are several collars and tags that have GPS capabilities. Imagine being able to simply login to your cell phone app to see where your furry friend is roaming around. How convenient!
  1. Stay alert. Being aware of your surroundings and understanding where there is a possibility of a pet getting away from the home or yard is half the battle.
  1. Keep your screen doors on and/or windows closed. Some cats like to escape through an open window. For obvious safety reasons, keep the windows and doors closed that offer access to an unsecure area outside.
  1. Get your pet microchipped. It’s not as expensive as you might think. Talk to your veterinarian for more information and to see if this option is right for your pet.
  1. Take precautionary measures. Several pets go missing around stressful holidays like the 4th of July. Many dogs and cats are scared of the loud noises that come with this annual event. Prepare your pet with a calming supplement from Essential Pet. This could save you and your pet a lot of grief.
  1. Triple check your surroundings and tools regularly. Take a stroll around your yard to make sure there are no new exit opportunities that have formed. Make sure your pet’s collar and leash are still in good condition. You should also make sure your child or a visitor has not left a gate open in the yard. Feel confident in knowing that your pet is safely playing in the backyard.
  1. Always use a leash outside of the home. Even if you have a dog that’s not prone to run off, you never know what can happen.

Take the proper precautions to help prevent losing a pet. You probably know the feeling and prefer not to experience it. Be sure to take a little bit of time and you might not ever have to know the horrifying feeling again.


*Statistic according to the National Council of Pet Population Study and Policy and National Humane Society.

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