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Dogs, Misc pets

I’m Part What!? How to Find Out Your Dog’s Mixed Breeds

The Paw Print

Essential Pet Blog

When we adopt a new furry friend, it quickly becomes a part of our family; we care for it, love it, and even talk to it in strange high-pitched voices. When we love our fur baby so much, it’s only natural that we want to know everything about it, including its breed.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 51.3 percent of US pet owners have a mixed-breed dog. If you’ve been curious about your dog’s genetic make-up, you’re definitely not alone!

While there isn’t one conclusive method for figuring out your dog’s breed, there’s plenty of other ways to narrow down the results.

How to determine your dog’s breed

Millions of Americans have joined the rescue club by adopting their pup from an animal shelter. Considering only 5 percent of dogs in shelters are purebred, there’s plenty of adoptive puppy parents that have failed at answering the infamous question, “what kind of dog is that?”

So, how do you find an answer to this relentless question?

Dog DNA Tests

Running between $80 and $150, you can buy a doggie DNA test. But, before going down this route, it’s worth knowing the potential harms and inaccuracies.

Unfortunately, there aren’t any standards, regulations, or an independent assessing body to review the accuracy of these tests. Dog owners have quickly jumped on the doggie DNA testing trend before enough research has been conducted, leaving veterinarians feeling uneasy about the whole process.

While regulation may be in question, there’s plenty of dog owners who have tried a dog DNA test and are happy with their results. Just be aware of the possibility of human error and keep in mind that these tests aren’t always conclusive.

Help from the Internet

While this option isn’t fool-proof either, it sure can be fun! You must take inventory of your dog’s physical— ear shape, tail type, body shape, coat type— and behavioral— hunting, pointing, water-friendly— traits.

After you’ve collected as much data about your dog as possible, you can plug the information into Google to find a list of matching dog breeds. You can narrow down your dog’s breed from there, or look it up in the American Kennel Club dog breed database. If this option interests you, then check out this guide for more detail.

There’s an app for that

Seriously, there really is, and obviously, its accuracy is questionable. Regardless, it’s a fun way to pass the time and force your dog to take even more photos.

Ask a veterinarian 

Why not ask an expert? While your veterinarian may not be able to guarantee your dog’s breed, they can definitely help narrow down the options and give you some insight.

While you may be curious about your dog’s breed, knowing their genetic make-up won’t change how much you love them. Next time someone asks, “what kind of dog do you have?” and you don’t know the answer, proudly tell them that your dog was rescued from an animal shelter, so you’re not sure. That’s far more important than their breed, anyway.

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