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Critter Chatter, Dogs

Critter Chatter: Your Dog’s New Year’s Resolution List

The Paw Print

Essential Pet Blog


Happy happy new year baby,

It’s been a year I won’t forget.

Kissn’, Twistn’, Goin’ Where the Boys Are, Connie Francis

Every December Charlotte and I sit down to discuss where we have been and what changes we can make to better the new year. Of course, it goes without saying, 2020 was a year none of us will ever forget. Charlotte, although puzzled by the wearing of strange face coverings that prevented humans from using their noses to inspect newfound friends (that’s probably a good thing in today’s society), thinks it was a great year because of all the increased attention. Anyway, she has passed along some resolutions that will help her stay healthy and active and live a long life.

Resolution #1, diet: I will stop whining about what I am fed. It is an organic/natural dog food made without chemicals, artificial preservatives and colors, by-products and genetically modified ingredients. I would really enjoy some table foods, but I know they’re not good for my waistline or me.

Resolution #2, aging: I am ten years old and regularly called a “senior”. This is probably a good year to begin taking pet supplements to enhance the condition of my skin and coat, reduce some of the creakiness of my joints and maybe even slow down brain aging. Probiotics for digestive health are also important.

Resolution #3, activity: I will get more exercise, especially since my owner has more time for me. No more excuses not to get fit and trim. I might get off the couch more often. Maybe I will even reduce between meal treats. Maybe!

Resolution # 4, oral health: I will not hide my toothbrush (or myself) when my owner mentions something about me having a bright smile or better breath. I know that as I age tartar and plaque buildup increases, and I’d prefer a few moments of awkward brushing to teeth cleaning under general anesthesia at the veterinary hospital.

Resolution #5, up the toy game: I will bury or hide my old toys in hopes of getting some new ones that may help me with resolution #3. Besides, I have pretty much chewed most of them to the nubbins. I would like some hard crunchy treats or more dental chews to help with Resolution #4.

Resolution #6, barking: FedEx, UPS and Amazon trucks visit our house so frequently that I no longer announce their arrival. I will, however, still lecture the golfer whose ball has sliced its way into my yard.

Resolution #7, grooming: I will look forward to a bath and haircut because I know it helps me look good and smell better, although I’m still not a fan of foofy after-bath scents that remind me of grandma’s house.

Resolution #8, pet parents: I’m going to spend more time sitting quietly with my owners showing them how kindness and stillness can help us all get through a world that has become crazy and somewhat out of our control. A gentle pat to the head always makes me feel good, but now understand that it helps them to feel the same way.

Resolution #8, joy: To have a HAPPY NEW YEAR and be grateful for all that I have.

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a vet and his dogABOUT THE AUTHOR

Dr. Brown holds a Doctorate Degree in Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from the University of California at Davis, a Master of Science Degree in Animal Science and Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Physiology from the University of California.  Following discharge from the Air Force as a Captain, he owned and operated the largest veterinary hospital on Cape Cod for almost twenty years. Brown is the past President of the Yavapai Humane Society Board of Directors, Branding Committee Chairman for National Animal Supplement Council and member of the American Veterinary Medical Association.  He writes and lectures frequently on the benefits of natural and organic foods and supplements for animals and lives with his wife and a Golden Doodle named Charlotte.

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