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Cats, Dogs

IT’S NOT TOO LATE: Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Furry Friend

holiday-petsIf you could think of one animal in your household that brings you endless joy, frequent smiles, long laughs and unconditional love, who would that be? For many people, the answer most definitely is their dog or cat.

This year don’t forget about Fluffy during the giving season. Christmas is a great time to show your love and appreciation for all of life’s many blessings.

Are you wondering what to get your dog or cat this Christmas? Here is a quick list that can go for either animal you love. We hope you have a warm and wonderful holiday!

10 Purrrfect Christmas Gift Ideas for your Furry Companion

  1. Gift them their favorite treats. Put it in their own special stocking and hope that they don’t sniff it out before Santa comes.
  1. Gift your dog or cat (or both) a new bed to sleep in. Let them cozy up on a long winters night by the fireplace in their new soft sleeping spot!
  1. Gift your pets something that could mean a happier and healthier life. Check out 21st Century’s (that’s us) Essential Pet line of healthcare products available exclusively at PetSmart stores. Find the product perfect for your pet.
  1. Gift your pet an adorable holiday sweater! They will look good, feel warm and perhaps get extra attention from others because they look so stinking cute!
  1. Gift them a new toy – or three. Has your pet’s favorite toy seen better days? Purchase a few new toys or replace the old ones with a newer version of the same one.
  1. Gift them something that increases indoor activity. During the winter months, it might be hard to get your pet outside for proper exercise. A gift that promotes indoor fun is a good gift for everyone.
  1. Gift them a trip to the vet. Ok, we’ll admit that this one won’t fit underneath the Christmas tree, but it’s a necessity for most – especially if you have fallen behind on vaccinations or dental cleanings. They will thank you for it later.
  1. Gift them a trip to the pet spa. Yes, these really exist. Give them a day of tranquility and relaxation.
  1. Gift them a friend to play with! Have you both been wanting a new pet to play with? Perhaps now is the time. Be sure to read our recent blog article before purchasing a new pet for your household or someone you love.
  1. Gift your pet a calm holiday. Many pets do not respond well to the hustle and bustle of the holidays. 21st Century Essential Pet makes a product that offers calming support supplement when they need it the most.

Your pet is not expecting much under the Christmas tree this year, but it’s a wonderful idea to show them you care in any way that you can. A pet will respond to any form of affection. Gift them what you truly think they will enjoy the most. If it’s simply a few more minutes of play time with Mom and Dad, then try to make an effort to do just that!

Happy Howlidays from all of us at 21st Century Animal HealthCare.

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