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Cats, Dogs

7 Savvy Pet-Related Smart Phone Application Types for Pet Owners

dog beagleAre you living in an app based world just like we are? If you have a smart phone and you are using it to its full potential, you’re probably taking advantage of the many great phone applications available out there. Smart phones have become our daily reminders, links to the bigger outside world, driving directions and even our educational resource.

Smart phones have essentially become our personal assistants, but why? It probably has a lot to do with convenience. Why not make your world more efficient and smart? There are many pet owners that use pet-related apps to help them access many of the conveniences mentioned above. The question is: Do you use any pet-related apps?

Here are a few smart phone application types that we think many pet owners could benefit from using:

  1. Flea and tick reminders – When does my cat need to be treated again? You’ll never forget a monthly treatment again!
  1. Emergency apps – We have an emergency! Places like the American Red Cross have apps available for pet owners so crucial information is quickly accessible when and if something goes wrong.
  1. Poison control – What is poisonous and what’s not? Find out quickly with an app that explains just this. There are even apps that will provide a quick search number for you to call right away in case of a true emergency.
  1. Fitness apps – How many steps has your dog taken? Make sure your pet is getting the exercise he or she deserves. And it could help you with your 2017 get fit goals as well!
  1. Veterinarian advice – Is my dog supposed to be licking his paws? This question and more can be answered with the help of a professional veterinarian with the click of a button. There are several smart phone apps that offer professional advice to pet owners like you.
  1. Training your pet – How do I teach my dog to roll over? Need help training and maintaining a training schedule for your pet? There’s an app – or two – for that.
  1. Fun pet-related games – Who doesn’t love a game with furry friends involved? Well, maybe not everyone, but this type of smart phone app is good for people that like to relax for a bit while playing games on their phone or iPad.

Pet picture apps – One of the most popular type of posts on social media is a pet picture. Pictures of adorable pets, Memes and funny pet quotes are incredibly popular. That’s why people created apps just for that reason. People love to see adorable pet picture and share some of their very own. You can download an app or you could visit our Facebook page where we love to share adorable pet pictures!

Do you currently use any pet-related apps on your smart phone? Join the conversation on our Facebook page and tell us what applications you are currently using.

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