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Cats and Dogs, Healthcare

How to Make a Dog Cone More Comfortable

The Paw Print

Essential Pet Blog

dog with large blue cone around neck to help with recovery

There are two ways to make a dog cone more comfortable for your furry friend after surgery. Believe it or not, you do have more than one option for collars after your pet has had surgery. There are traditional plastic cones, inflatable cones and even soft and comfortable protective collars. The best collar is one that protects your pet and keeps them away from their wounds. The first way to make the collar more comfortable is to select the right style of collar for your dog. Another way to make the collar more comfortable is to add a calming component, like essential oils to help them feel more relaxed after surgery. By selecting the right collar and combining it with something that makes them feel more calm, you will see them in less discomfort than you would expect.

Here are 4 dog cone options for comfort. 

Step 1: Select the right collar to make a dog cone more comfortable.

  1. Plastic and lightweight e-collars for dogs – Be sure to select a cone that is adjustable according to the size of your dog’s neck. You also want to make sure the material is sturdy enough. Doing both of these things will help your pet to get exactly what he needs from the collar.

  1. Soft e-collars for dogs – A softer collar might be exactly what your dog needs for a more comfortable collar option. It might also help with eating and drinking. The Caring Collar for Cats and Dogs actually has an opening that allows pets to eat and drink comfortably while wearing the collar. 

soft collar on small dog

  1. Inflatable protective collars – These collars are not as long, but still make it hard for dogs to reach their affected areas. This design also helps the pet to comfortably eat and drink without having to take the collar off. They can also get in an out of spaces more easily.


Step 2: Combine a collar with a calming component, like an essential oils infused gel patch.  

After surgery can be a stressful time for pets. Some pets do not appreciate change. After your pet has had to undergo surgery or has suffered from an injury, the last thing you want is for them to feel more uncomfortable! The collar is different and might make them feel awkward simply by having it on. Add a calming component to the collar for calming support. A product like Calm Paws Calming Gel Patch for Dogs and Cats can help support pets through the recovery phase. Post-surgery recovery is not meant to be a traumatizing experience for pets. Let’s get rid of the stigma associated with the “cone of shame!”

With the combination of choosing the right cone and a calming support product, your dog should experience a more comfortable recovery period. We wish you the best of luck during your pet’s recovery. Contact us if you have any questions or need help selecting the right recovery collar for your dog or cat.

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