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Cats, Dogs

How to have fun with your pet no matter what temperature it is outside


Summer can be a great time for pet parents and pets. If you live in an area that has four extreme seasons, you’ve been waiting for the summer all year long. And your pets might have been also. There are many wonderful things to celebrate during the summertime and one of them is the simple act of being with your pet. No matter where you live or what you do for a living, there are many opportunities to have a good time with your furry companion – in rain, sun and even thunderstorms.

Keep reading for ways to have fun with your pet no matter what the weather man tells you.

Are there exciting things you like to do with your pet during the warmer months? What about when it rains or when there is inclement weather? How do you keep your pet entertained outside or inside when all you want to do is have a little one-on-one time with Fido?

What to do with your pet when it’s hot outside

  • Let your pet play in a kiddie pool outside.
  • Stay inside and take a cat nap.
  • Have a salon day with your pet. You can even do it yourself. Scrub, trim and style your dog’s hair!
  • Take your dog to an indoor doggy daycare center.
  • Get your pet a new friend to play with!

What to do with your pet when it’s raining

  • Go on a road trip and head some place nicer! Many hotels now accommodate pets both big and small.
  • Have an indoor playdate with your pet’s favorite furry friends.
  • Sit on the windowsill – pet in lap – and watch the raindrops falls on the leaves of the trees! It can be very relaxing.
  • Cuddle up and watch pet movies with your furry companion.
  • Play hide-a-treat with your pet!

What to do with your pet when the weather is perfect

  • Plan a picnic and bring your 4-legged friends.
  • Go to the lake and have fun! Don’t forget to bring lots of H2O for you and your dog.
  • Play fetch outside with your active dog.
  • Take your dog on a nice long walk. Dogs and most humans love the fresh air!
  • Go to a dog park. Don’t forget the poop bags.

No matter what the weather is like, there is always something fun to do with your pet. Even if you just sit around and pet your furry friend, he or she will appreciate the attention. Sometimes we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and leave out our pets. Bring your dog along when you can. Spending time with you is exactly what you pet wants to do!

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